Monday, April 25, 2005

It's a DOG's life

Life for 99% people on earth has only one meaning Money, Marriage and Kids.
Why every thing is so routine? What worse people spend most of their life to plan that routine, which is there by default. the day people land on earth they are made to walk the same road on which everyone is walking.

Pre war scenario
[Life is a constant war]

Why man is social animal? Why we take birth in families? I guess even god has a fixed routine…… we step on earth people around us start their regular regime in preparing us to earn, to marry……
As we grow up in families, we develop emotional bonding, which makes a person puny at heart………parameters like responsibility, discipline and expectations can really harass and torture you.
There are benchmarks created by society and family which you have to meet from time to time and junta around you play “HR” and a constant performance appraisal is going … at the end of the day most of the people turn “LOOSERS” – as they are the one who fail to make as per routine…..then you are forced to carry that burden that ur…”FAILURE”

Post war scenario
[You are a prisoner of war]

If you are among those few winners you had a narrow escape….but it is only a matter of time that those people will turn hostile and push to a newly defined level of “FAILURE”.

Suddenly one-day people around you realize that now you are a decently furnished commodity and shouldn’t be left loose……….and then final knock out punch follows you in form of Marriage.
If you retaliate or try to break routine, then initially talked weapons like emotional torture and number at failure board are used to make you feel that you don’t really have an you?

And when decide to jump….mate you are gone….now routine slowly but surely turns into vicious circle, and you will find yourself a money generating machine or programmed robot who follows the strict office schedule from morning to evening on weekdays and act like a buffoon on weekends for others to relax….and when you think of LIFE….living LIFE…..drear your at weekend of life and almost DEAD!!!!!!

PS: I am not blaming families for the matter above, but then it’s a routine


Anonymous said...

Cool blog. I suppose every1 goes through this thought process sometime or other in their life but not every1 sits back and thinks about it. We all tend to push the important things in life under the carpet so that our routines are not disturbed. Sad but true- We put off living our lives for later and pretend thats everything is going smoothly!