Monday, May 28, 2007

View of the Top

The projectile motion made such an arc that it seemed like floating, but was receiving similar treatment every time by going wildly in all directions; it was an end -to-end affair with he being on the receiving one, but sheer excitement of gaining directional ground on this game is what kept him involved.

Eyes hovered above the altitude, it seemed to crawl along the clouds and was glowing of sun, it caught his sight, he extended his arm to hold it, for a moment it appeared as he had it in his fist and felt excited about the possession but bubble busted within iota of a second as he saw it fizzing out of his control and was stuck by sunlight beaming right into him. He never ran behind it but followed it with his iris standing at a distance appreciating how the view changes as earth rotates.

When clock stuck midnight, he got one up on his age series with every addition he went on convincing himself that it’s the view which is responsible for illusion, suddenly a firefly appeared through his window he reached for his glass tumbler and laughed.....

After all there is time lag for every change.........