Monday, May 28, 2007

View of the Top

The projectile motion made such an arc that it seemed like floating, but was receiving similar treatment every time by going wildly in all directions; it was an end -to-end affair with he being on the receiving one, but sheer excitement of gaining directional ground on this game is what kept him involved.

Eyes hovered above the altitude, it seemed to crawl along the clouds and was glowing of sun, it caught his sight, he extended his arm to hold it, for a moment it appeared as he had it in his fist and felt excited about the possession but bubble busted within iota of a second as he saw it fizzing out of his control and was stuck by sunlight beaming right into him. He never ran behind it but followed it with his iris standing at a distance appreciating how the view changes as earth rotates.

When clock stuck midnight, he got one up on his age series with every addition he went on convincing himself that it’s the view which is responsible for illusion, suddenly a firefly appeared through his window he reached for his glass tumbler and laughed.....

After all there is time lag for every change.........

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Desi Production

This idea got & clicked by me at Worli Office, course on routine.

HSBC by Mohit

Click to Enlarge

A mind can produce and reproduce n number of points for this view.
So What'S yourS.....

Friday, May 18, 2007

Changing Times......

It was a tiring day at work. He missed his friends, and it wasn't easy for him to make new ones. He longed to talk to someone, but there wasn't anyone. So he went to the coffee shop.

It was crowded even though it was quite late. As he was led to a table, he glanced around, hoping to find a familiar face. He knew it was unlikely, he didn't know anybody in the city, and yet, he hoped. His coffee arrived in a while and he found solace and distraction in a book he started reading.

It was a while before he could trace the source of the high-pitched giggle. She was in the corner seat, with a guy, very visibly basking in the glow of his attention. They seemed to be working and were serious for a while and then he would make a joke, just for her, and she would giggle, and admonish him for getting distracted from his work.

He had been in the shop for more than a couple of hours now. Three coffees, and more later, the book no longer interested him. He peeked at her over the top of the book, and he envied the men around her. He knew enough to believe that love never happened at first sight, or second sight; he had had long arguments with his friends differentiating between love and lust. But now, 'if there is something called love,' he thought, 'this must be it.'

He felt he had destroyed the purpose of his visit - he wanted to unwind after a long, hard day, and had ended up falling in love with an unknown woman and feeling miserable about not being able to do anything about it.……

There are times in life when things around us start getting guided by something you haven’t believed in………and then it you found yourself as a miniscule portion of big Circle of Things that runs on emotion and revolves around mankind……….

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Feeling Now-a-day's

These words seems so a days!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was having fun
the kind of feeling I've waited so long
Don't stop come a little closer
As we jam the rythm gets stronger
There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun
We were dancing all night long
The time is right to put my arms around you
You're feeling right
You wrap your arms around too
But suddenly I feel the shining sun
Before I knew it this dream was all gone

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
I wish this dream comes true

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
We'll make this dream come true

Why don't you play the game ?
Why don't you play the game ?